Sunday, August 21, 2016

30 Day raw detox: Day 21...never trust a fart...

This is a moment of complete I pooped my pants!
Yesterday afternoon my body began purging toxins to the tenth power. I felt horrible but I knew it was necessary so I didn't trip, I let my body do what it needed to do and I got some much needed rest.  The sulfur burps an loose stool gave me the heads up that my body is healing itself and getting rid of the cap is just a part of the process so I was mentally prepared to let it flow, literally.  I threw up a few times last night and woke up this morning feeling brand new, but of course that was the overlay for the underplay.  My body was really setting me up for an adult failure of epic proportions.  My sister and I had gone to the grocery store to grab items for dinner, when we got to the car I couldn't wait to down my vitamin packed fruit juice that I had just purchased.  I drank a bit of juice and felt gassy, so I kinda lifted up in the seat to pass gas, at that moment tragedy struck!  I felt like a human soft serve machine!  I was tickled,  devastated, and disgusted at the same time.  Luckily I was wearing a maxi pad, so it didn't seep threw my clothes  (it mad clean up a hell of a lot easier too).  I rode home semi-seated on a plastic bag gagging (although my poop smells a lot like salad lately) and cracking up with my sister!
The two lessons that I learned today are that when detoxing NEVER TRUST A FART!  Your body is doing some serious dirty work and you never know when it will decide to "clean you out".  The second lesson is that SHIT HAPPENS, in a literal and figurative sense.  Allow it to happen, learn your body, accept your healing, and don't take yourself to serious.  
I am sharing this because someone may be embarrassed and think it is just them going through these changes and I want to let them know that they are not alone.  Healing isn't always pretty and fun, it is a struggle,  just keep the faith in your bodies ability to heal and don't give up when it gets hard. 
In the words of my pops "tough times don't last, but tough people do".

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

30 Day Detox: Day 15 the good, the bad, and the ugly

In 2012 I was diagnosed with Lupus.  Being diagnosed was a relief honestly.  The weight loss, the rashes, the anxiety, the headaches, the seizures, the joint pain, the mouth ulcers, and fatigue all made sense.  I wasn't being lazy or going crazy, I was dealing with a disease that is hard to diagnose and even most doctors don't fully understand it.  Of course I was given a slew of medication with names that I didn't even try to pronounce.  Although I may not have been able to pronounce the names I am far from stupid, so I turned to my trusty homie Google and searched every single one...and not one of them sounded any better than the effects of Lupus.  With possible side effects ranging from tingling extremities all the way to liver damage and suicidal thoughts if I stopped taking the medication suddenly.

I was quick to make the decision NOT to use any of that garbage, until I had a Lupus flare and realized that I had no idea how to manage this shit!  I was out of my league and spent three years just being sick, I would research holistic treatment methods but honestly I really didn't trust them.  My 30+ years of being treated in a pharmaceutical only health care system had me scared to even try any of the holistic methods that I had been feverishly researching.  So here I am with this well of knowledge that I was doing nothing with.  Then one day in the fall of 2015 I just woke up and decided that it was time to make a change.

I intentionally started very gradually.  I knew that this change would effect my entire family and I didn't want it to be drastic.  My first change was to cut out red meat.  I remember how proud I was of myself for making a commitment to begin healing my body through lifestyle changes.  The process was going well, I was taking it slow but in January of 2016 I got very sick all of a sudden.  I was running out of both ends (TMI, I know), it was nothing but green mucous, and it had the worst smell that I have ever had come out of little old me.  I was miserable and even sharted on myself in my sleep.  It was 2 days of hell, and at that moment I decided to cut all meat from my diet.  It wasn't a difficult transition and I quickly noticed a boost in my energy.  I thought I had made it. I was feeling better, I was exercising, and my pain was decreasing so I just knew everything was all to the good now, but that's not how my life is set up.  So in the Spring of 2016 I was diagnosed with Cancer (in a very intimate location) and it was depressing and frustrating.  I had plans and those plans did not include trying to fight cancer with my raggedy assed immune system!!!  I was angry as hell and planned on having like a week long pity party, which ended up not being much of a pity party because my 6 kids are always all up in my space so I didn't really have the luxury of locking myself in my room with Netflix, chocolate, and tears.  My pity party was low budget and consisted of little debbie cakes and one 30 break down in the shower.  I looked in to all of the available treatments that my doctor suggested and decided early on that I wouldn't be doing any of them.  No shade to anyone who does though, we all walk different paths.

I eventually decided to do an all holistic treatment plan that consists of a detox, a mostly alkaline vegan diet, and a high dose IV vitamin C treatment, along with herbal supplements.  I am currently half way through my detox and I have had so many questions about it so I will share what I have learned during the past 15 days.

Amber's 30 Day Detox

Only raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and mushrooms
At least one clove of garlic daily
No salt, No sugar, No caffeine
Immune Booster Tea (3x daily)
Herbal Teas (drink as much as possible honey or agave are ok)
Smoothies and 100% Juices (2-3 times daily)
Chaga Tea 2X daily
Vegan Multi Vitamin
Vitamin C
Natural deodorant and toothpaste
64 oz. water (preferably alkaline)
Daily Meditation
At least 30 min of Yoga or run 1 mile daily
Massage (as often as possible)

The first thing that I learned about this detox is that Yes, it is as challenging as it sounds.  I didn't realize I was addicted to sugar until I tried this detox a few months back and had sugar withdrawal like I was coming down off of heroin!  I had insomnia, cold sweats, a fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and irritability.  I couldn't believe it!  That detox lasted only 5 days but it caused me to start limiting my sugar intake and cutting high fructose corn syrup from my diet all together.  I have cravings and i've had insomnia a few nights but nothing that I can't manage.  This detox is tough mentally but I have more energy than I have had in years.  I have learned so much about myself and my body during these first 15 days but 4 things stick out the most:

1.  Commit
Set a start date and tell others about your plans to start a detox program.  It is easier to back out of things when no one else knows, but if you have your mom and best friend texting to find out when your detox starts you are more likely to stay committed.

2.  Gather Support
Tell people what you are doing and why.  After announcing that I was doing a detox my fiance' decided to join me for the whole thing, I was shocked and so happy that I didn't have to go through the month alone, now I had a battle buddy!  I have also had a few friends join me as well, some of them for the whole 30 days and others just for a day or so.  I have received encouraging calls, texts, emails and DM messages, all of the support helps me to stay motivated and focused on my purpose and goal.  I have had people donate alkaline water, fruits and veggies, herbs, and vitamins to help me supplement the costs.  I have cried just about everyday due to random words or acts of kindness in support of my detox.

3.  Be prepared
Totally random, but when ever I hear "be prepared" i always hear it in a Scar from The Lion King  voice.  Any way preparation is the key to being consistent with this detox.  Make sure you have enough food to last you for the day.  Stock up on olive oil and apple cider vinegar for salad dressing, find raw vegan recipes so that you won't get bored with your meals, make a list of stores that carry the things you can eat, create a budget and a schedule and if possible pick the brain of someone who has done a detox so that you can get some tips that will help you to be successful.

4. Be aware
Once you start the detox pay attention to your body and the changes that are going on inside you.  You may notice withdrawal symptoms from salt, sugar, and caffeine.  You may notice changes in your mood, bowels, body odor, and energy levels.  These are all normal and are manifestations of the toxins leaving your body.  For instance I was musty as hell for the first 6 days of the detox but now i'm good.  I also have lots of natural energy that I didn't have before the detox began.  You can keep a daily detox journal in order to track these changes, if you experience anything that you are unsure about contact your doctor or a holistic medical professional, the detox process is uncomfortable at times but always listen to your body.

My detox journey is only at the halfway point.  Some days I want the whole process to just hurry up and be over, but I try to remind myself that healing is a process that should not be rushed.  We live in a society full of quick fixes and instant gratification, so through this detox process I am also teaching myself to slow down, be patient, and enjoy the journey.

Just a few of my meals/snacks