Friday, November 18, 2016

Easy, Basic, All Natural, Home made Laundry detergent for sensitive skin!

Lupus is rough on my skin.

I get rashes and bruises, have prickly sensations, and sometimes my skin just outright aches.  When I talked to my doctors they prescribed prednisone, which is a steroid, so I passed on that and started looking for natural ways to treat and manage my skin issues.  

In my opinion any natural treatments should start with preventative efforts such as identifying and eliminating triggers.  So I began paying closer attention to the things I ate, drank, wore, or touched the days that I had skin problems.  One big thing that I noticed was that things scented with perfumes bother me.  I don't bathe in any scented products but my laundry detergent was scented and used chemical that I wasn't comfortable using for me or my family.  

After my super scientific research experiment to find out what my triggers were I was able to identify some of my triggers.  My biggest triggers seem to be dairy and perfumes/chemicals.  The part that sucks about knowing better is that then you have to do better. So now I either have to buy natural detergent (which can be expensive as hell, people will tax you for good, natural products) or I have to make my own detergent (which means that after working, running my business, homeschooling and transporting kids, cooking, and what ever else I have to do I am also expected to make laundry detergent, NOOOOOOOOOOO!).  But my cheapness always outweighs my exhaustion, and to my surprise making your own laundry detergent is extremely easy and easy on the pocketbook as well!

Amber's All Natural Laundry Detergent

1. 1 cup Borax (I found some at Walmart)
2. 1 cup Washing Soda (I found some at Family dollar but it is very easy to make your own if you have baking soda)
3. 1/4-1/2 Bar soap (Ivory works just fine, I use Dr. Bronner's Lavender Castile Soap)

Shave your bar soap (I use a cheese grater)and measure out 1/4-1/2 cup, add 1 cup of borax (stir) and then add 1 cup of washing soda (stir mixing well).  

*Store in an air tight, food grade container.  I keep mine in large mason jars.  Use 2-3 tablespoons per load.

$$$ I spent roughly 13 dollars on products which will last me at least 3-4 months.

All Ingredients can be purchased at:

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